I Graduated with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree in Electrical/Electronic Technology from the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt- Nigeria. I also have a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Theology and an MBA (Leadership & Sustainability) from the University of Cumbria – UK.
My ICT professional career started in 1982 with Nigerian Telecommunications LTD (NITEL). I graduated from the famous Telecommunications (NITEL) School in Lagos – Nigeria in 1985 and served for years. I worked in TELNET Nig Ltd and PPC LTD where I resigned as a manager to pioneer Jireh Technologies Ltd.
I managed several ICT projects cutting across all sectors of the Nigerian economy. Some of these were executed in SHELL Nigeria, TOTAL Energies, AGIP Nigeria, DAEWOO Nigeria, etc.
I took JIREH TECHNOLOGIES LTD from scratch to become a national player serving virtually all the sectors of the Nigerian economy. JIREH today has a footprint of services in every state of the country as well as in Chad.
I have attended many professional courses & training as well a regular visitor to local and international seminars and tradeshows, some of which are: Engineering Management training, ISO2001 certification process training, China ICT Expo and Trade Shows, Asian Trade shows, GITEX (Dubai). I’m a recipient of the training and awards below:
- Total business mastery award by Brian Tracy.
- Authentic Leadership Course at Lagos Business School, Lagos
- High impact leadership course at Cambridge University, UK
I pioneered an empowerment program called “Success Clinic”. It is one of my contributions to help raise champions from the numerous human potentials in our society to a finished product. The program is aimed at helping people to win by inspiring them to a high level of excellence, success, and victory in their chosen endeavors.
I’m married with Children
My Purpose is to help people to win and maintain continuous victory in their chosen endeavors by inspiring them to a high level of excellence.
What i do
My Expertise
Business Management
Drawing on almost 30 years of experience in business management and development, I help companies set objectives, build and implement plans, and achieve success and growth.
ICT Consulting
Having excelled in the ICT industry, I’ve garnered numerous awards. With years of proven tech expertise, I offer objective advice, strategies, maintenance, and recommendations to businesses.
Public Speaking
Passionate about human capital development, I’ve pursued public speaking as a means to inspire growth. Through this enthusiasm, I’ve helped individuals, businesses, and organizations discover their potential.
With mentorship, one can achieve their goals faster and easier. Over 27 years, I’ve offered guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling to individuals and businesses on their career and business journeys

My Leisure
My social life is a really important part of my identity. I love spending time with family, whether we’re going for an outing or just hanging out at home.
At the same time, I also really value quiet, low-key evenings spent with family and loved ones, playing board games, Tennis ball or watching a movie.
Overall, I believe that socializing and spending time with others is key to a happy, healthy life. Whether I’m meeting new people or catching up with old friends, I always try to approach social situations with an open mind and a positive attitude.
My thoughts
Jireh Technologies Ltd. conducts the First integrated factory acceptance test (IFAT) in Nigeria for Information Technology in the oil and gas industry.
Jireh Technologies Ltd. became the first indigenous company in Nigeria to carry out an Integrated Factory Acceptance Test (IFAT) at the company’s corporate headquarters to integrate network systems, which has made JIREH technologies a huge influence in the ICT Space. JIREH, through research, partnership with both local and foreign OEMs, and consistent evaluation of customers’ needs, has crafted solutions and services that have transcended the ICT/SECURITY technology trend.
— Daily Watch News

The JiREH Technologies Story
“JiREH story and experience started as a thought. The journey has been wonderful. Launching out to start JiREH Technologies is one of the most challenging decisions I have ever taken in my life. JiREH Technologies came by inspiration; whatever you leverage on by inspiration is always successful.”
MD/CEO, Ehi Silence shares his JiREH Technologies Story
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